Pane ca Meusa

In Palermo, we love pane ca meusa, which means literally “sandwich” (pane) with “spleen” (meusa) and is, generally speaking, the interior of the cow/sheep. Palermitani go mad for it and it is usually eaten on the spot, at the corner of the street, where a local family has a stall thaht has kept the tradition alive for generations.

They stand on the corner of the street; there is a light to indicate that above a big bowl is where the meusa is fried and cooked. The pane can be eaten in two ways: schietta (single) or maritata (married). Schietta,” single, is just the meat with a fresh Sicilian lemon squeezed on top; maritata, married, means with ricotta cheese or seasoned cheese and lemon squeezed (optional).

I love to take my groups there and let them enjoy the explanation of the street vendors, who are honored by their genuine interest. It is funny and challenging for me to get my guests to “cross the barrier” and try a very strong taste (which they initially think would be disgusting). Once they do, they experience a cultural connection that dates back to the ancient Arab time in Sicily. Overall, it goes far beyond the taste of the sandwich itself to have a deeper value…

I had a group of 15 once that did not want to try it. I eventually convinced eight of them (half of the group ) to eat it. It was a great success !



By | 2016-12-19T22:26:40+01:00 October 12th, 2016|Categories: General food and dining, INSIDER TIPS|Tags: , |Comments Off on Pane ca Meusa