The Sicilian…Walk of Fame – Part I –

Have you ever wondered, walking on the WALK OF FAME in L.A, where some of those names and artists were from? Those who have made us dream, laugh, cry, dance … in their theatre or movie acting ???

Sicilian!!! There you go…

Who, for example, has not ever sung or beeing seducted by the famous film “Cinderella in Paris” with Audrey Hepburn? Who was never captured by the intense film “From Here to Eternity” and its magical singer: the great FRANK SINATRA!?

He all thrilled us on the notes  of “My Way”.
The father was from Monreale, near Palermo, while mother from Liguria, Northern Italy, Sicilian blood flows in the veins of this extraordinary artist!
But Sinatra is just one of many who has Sicilian origins. Are you curious?
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By | 2017-03-01T14:08:38+01:00 March 1st, 2017|Categories: CINEMA, MUSIC AND LITERATURE|Tags: , |Comments Off on The Sicilian…Walk of Fame – Part I –